Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kill Deep Linking...

If you are using Word Press you not doubt are using plugins too... many of which have little foibles such as jQuery from prettyPhoto displaying extra info at end of your URL when you use a popover gallery or after closing it. To disable this, open your prettyPhoto.js file and set deep linking to false.

Also do this:

Replace: clearHashtag(){url=location.href;hashtag=(url.indexOf('#!prettyPhoto'))?true:false;if(hashtag)location.hash="!prettyPhoto";}

With: clearHashtag(){url=location.href;hashtag=(url.indexOf('#!'))?true:false;if(hashtag)location.hash="";}

No more "#!prettyPhoto" or other nonsense...


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Handy PHP Error Checking Tool

If you like me recently upgraded PHP, you will no doubt be wanting to do some error checking... but not just errors, deprecation warnings, notices etc... this quick tool helps you set and show exactly what you need...