Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Adobe confirms Flash Player is dead for mobile devices... sorta...

So read the title to a new Engadget article. But this is a bit misleading...

Right now you can get Flash Player 11, which is fully optimised for hardware acceleration. Adobe is also soon to release Flash Player 12. What Engadget failed to do, was actually link to the full story by Adobe. What Adobe was basically saying is, they want to concentrate on HTML5 and Adobe Touch Apps (AIR) for use on mobile devices. Flash Player for mobile devices will still be supported with updates for security and big fixes. They will also continue to develop the desktop Flash player.

I for one welcome this focus on HTML5... hopefully it will mean we will have the tools to do next year what Flash has been doing for ten years! Now we just need IE to die too!  :-)

It should have read:"Flash to Focus on PC Browsing and Mobile Apps; Adobe to More Aggressively Contribute to HTML5" -

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Business use of iPhone 4S not secure... thanks to Siri

Thanks to Siri (yet another feature that Apple just bought so droves of zealots will swarm to the Apple light) apparently has major security issues and Apple has now said it's only BETA... ??

You can simply get around any locked phone with voice commands and access contacts and email!
Check it out:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Xero Tip #13: How to write off bad debts

1. Locate the invoice and open
2. On the right hand side there is a drop down box “Invoice Options” click this and select “Add a Credit Note”
3. You then edit this to enter a date
4. Change the general ledger account to “403 – Bad Debts” with GST on expenses.
5. Then select “approve”

QR Codes your thing?

If so, then use this online tool to generate... qr-code-generator.

I've heard it's popular in Japan... but personally, I don't see this taking off in Australia.
You have to install an app on your phone, scan (take a photo), wait for it to translate, then go to the link... Or... tap one button (launch browser), and type in URL.

Smarter URL's would be better - use unique subdomains to track campaigns!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Inspiration #28

Looking for some logo "inspiration"??
This website can be a dangerous website for the designer wanting to be original... Logopond

Monday, June 13, 2011

Diff Checker...

Quickly see differences in files like CSS or text files...
Very handy. Thanks Kim!

Check out Diff Checker!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Diet Pepsi & Beckham in latest viral ad...

OK, so Digital Transfer guy posts this video as an amazing video... come on - it's post production for sure. See my comments below Beckham video (by Stuart).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Touch Gesture Reference Guide

The Touch Gesture Reference Guide is a unique set of resources for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces. By Luke Wroblewski.

Check it out:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Inspiration #77

Good mix of graphic inspiration here...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Facebook Tip #42

OK, so now on the NEW Facebook interface, when you add a link, it might not add a thumbnail. How come? It will only find an image to use as a thumb if the website you link to has this code in the index page:
link rel="image_src" href="http://linktoimagehere"
Image should be 90 x 90 pixels.


What's it like to own an Apple product?

Classic comic strip... (warning, may offend)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Built an online product or tool and want to licence?

If so... here are some good pointers from our American friends on the matter:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cut corners with CSS...

Very handy CSS tool for created nice rounded-ness... thanks to Jacob Bijani.

Friday, February 11, 2011

HTML form field colour picker

JSColor is a simple color picker for HTML forms. It extends all desired input fields of a color selection dialog - and no framework needed, sweet!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stinky IE8 compatibility mode killing your website?

If so, simply add this META code to your site to force IE8 NOT to use compatibility mode... http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8"

Ahhh... fixed!

You can of course also add as a HTTP header in IIS on your web server! Saves adding it to multiple websites.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

OMG... we will run out of IP addresses!!!

SMH publish a story how we are about to run out of IP addresses because Vint Cerf did not think his original experiment would ever "end".

"The protocol underpinning the net, known as IPv4, provides only about 4 billion IP addresses - not website domain names, but the unique sequence of numbers assigned to each computer, website or other internet-connected device."

Well, after the lengthy story of doom, it's all saved thanks to IPv6 set to replace the current IPv4. So not much of a story then?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Online resource for grid layouts

Young web designers, grids are your friend...
Sound likes print design all over again, but it makes for fast layouts.
Check out 960!