Thursday, May 28, 2009

Office is dead...

Everything you know about emailing, chat, editing and sharing documents, photos, even asking your friends to the movies... is about to change: Google Wave
If you have a spare hour, sit back and be amazed.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ad Words can add big costs if you are not careful...

For those of us who have used Google Ad Words, it can tend to be a bit of a mixed bag in terms of results. However, if you really look into the detail of the options available, you can save yourself a lot of head scratching and unwanted cost.

You may have seen ads appearing in other blogs... this is so these sites can make money from Google when people click on ads loading in their website. This is called "Content" in Google's Ad Words content management control panel. You have the option of listing your ad in these websites as well as in Google and partner search results.

One the big things to be aware of, is the automatic placements of your ad under "Network" tab. If you allow Google to automatically select the websites your ad will appear in based on your keywords, it can be very broad, and not the exact audience you may be after.

A test of a campaign I recently ran for my own business resulted in 180 odd websites recommendations for one particular keyword in Sydney, that had nothing really to do with the audience I was aiming at.

So manual or automatic... it is up to you, but remember to go into the automatic results and review the suggested websites. You can manually adjust this list at any time.

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